Moby Wrap Review

Posted On: 2011-03-14

What is it? A wrap that helps you wear your baby!

How does it work? Follow the directions to wrap the fabric around your torso several times and then place baby in it!

Cool Features: -->There are several different ways to have the baby in this wrap and it keeps the baby's weight evenly distributed which prevents the usual aches and pains of single side slings and strap on carriers. -->You can remove your baby and put them back in several times before having to redo the wrap. You can also wear a coat over it! -->It is also 100% cotton so machine washable!

Practical Points: -->Put this on before you leave the house (but after you get everyone ready to leave). There is about 5 yards of fabric and you don't want to try to put it on in a parking lot because it will drag on the ground while you put it on. -->If it's the last thing you do before you leave it won't loosen up too much before you have to use it. -->Only wear a single shirt under it because you will get warm holding your baby, you can always put a coat on! -->If you are using the method that keeps your baby's feet sticking out, try to put your baby in an all in one outfit with the feet attached (that way you don't have to worry about socks and shoes falling off).

Do I recommend it? Yes

Quantity Recommended: 1-2

Age: 0-35lbs

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